Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Stuff We Love: Romantic Bedroom Furniture and Decor

Creating a luxury-style love nest is easy with this ultraromantic bedroom furniture and cozy decor. Head to the bedroom and turn up the heat!

Be a Poster Girl

The secret to a sexy bedroom starts with a killer bed, and we found one that will certainly set the stage for romance. Fashion designer Nicole Miller has turned her attention to furniture, partnering with Excelsior Designs to unveil her own line of Art Deco-inspired furniture with a nod to the circa-1950s French pieces she loves. The stunning Park Avenue Four Poster Bed features brushed stainless steel accents and a lush chocolate finish. Warning: The snooze button may become your best friend. $4,999 (queen-size); visit ExcelsiorDesigns.com for additional information. Shop for more romantic poster beds

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Anty, a Robot for Hospitalized Children

This robot was developed by the Robotics & Multibody Research Group out of Brussels University. It is being described as an intelligent “huggy” robot that can help long-term hospitalized children. The robot will have the ability to walk, talk, show emotion and hug.

This is the initial prototype and plans are stating that the final model will include a multifunctional LCD screen in its stomach. The advanced artificial intelligence will allows for Anty to develop different personalities and understand emotion.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Nikon Coolpix S6

The Nikon Coolpix S6 is a very small digital camera measuring in at only 3.9" x 2.4" x .8" and weighing 4.0 ounces. Despite the small size of the Nikon Coolpix S6, it packs most every feature you could want in a digital camera.

The Nikon Coolpix S6 is a 6.0 megapixel camera allowing for prints up to 16 x 20 inches. The S6 also has 3x optical zoom and built in WiFi to allow for wireless transfer of images and for wireless printing. One of the coolest features is the Pictmotion.

Pictmotion allows you to combine your images, music and effects to create a multimedia show right on your camera. No more simply handing your camera to a friend or family member to simply flip through your images.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Samsung to spend $635 million on memory, LCD lines

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. the world's biggest memory chip maker, said on Monday it would invest 617.6 billion won ($635.1 million) on memory chip research and flat-screen production.
Samsung said in a filing to the stock exchange it would spend 388.2 billion won to expand research and development on dynamic random access memory (DRAM) and flash memory chips, as well as production of masks for semiconductors.

It will invest another 229.4 billion won in increasing production of small and medium-sized liquid crystal display (LCD) panels to meet growing demand, the South Korean company said.
Samsung is also the world's second-biggest maker of large-sized LCD displays after LG.Philips LCD. Co. Ltd.

The investment plans announced on Monday are part of an annual investment plan disclosed earlier.

Samsung had already said it planned a total of 9.23 trillion won in capital investment in 2006, including 5.63 trillion won earmarked for semiconductors and 2.37 trillion won for LCD.

Shares in Samsung, South Korea's biggest stock with $103 billion in market value, rose 1.49 percent to end at 683,000 won before the announcement, compared with the wider market's <.KS11> 1.16 percent gain.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Star Wars Battleship Game

An exciting edition of a classic board game, this electronic version evokes the sounds and images of Star Wars™ in four different strategy games, including solo play and player-to-player challenge.

The system guides players through the different games with digitized voice commands, while the distinctive sound of ion cannons, concussion missiles, and proton torpedoes signal salvo launches as players try to knock out their opponent’s Star Destroyers, X-Wing Fighters, Millenium Falcon, and other iconic ships from the movie series.

The game folds down into a laptop-computer-sized component that stores all game pieces internally for easy transportation and storage without mess or the loss of parts. Operates on three AA batteries (included). For 1 or 2 players ages 8 and up. Folded: 10 1/4” W x 10 1/4” L x 5” D. Unfolded: 10 1/4” H x 10 1/4” W x 22 1/2” L. (4 1/2 lbs.)

Thursday, February 09, 2006

ADHD Drug Dangers

Some of the most popular prescription drugs used to treat millions of Americans with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder may be more dangerous than previously thought In fact, the FDA is considering new warning labels for the medications.

According to a troubling new Food and Drug Administration study, 25 people including19 children have died after taking the medications. Another 54 people have suffered serious heart problems, including heart attacks and stroke. The FA says it has tallied another 26 deaths between 1969 and 2003 in ADHD patients involving death by suicide, intentional overdose, drowning, heat stroke and from underlying disease.

The drugs getting a closer look include amphetamines, such as Ritalin, Adderall and Concerta. Sales of drugs to treat the disorder have jumped in recent years, with the biggest growth in use among adults. Spending on ADHD drugs has tripled in just four years, from $759-million in 2000 to $3.1 billion in 2004.

The regulatory agency has asked its Drug Safety and Risk Management advisory council to discuss the feasilbility of different ways of studying whether the deaths are linked to the drugs, as well as specific ways to conduct such studies. The few studies looked at longer-term use of ADHD drugs provide little information on those risks, according o the FDA.

Death and injury reports in Canada led to a six-month ban on the sale of the drug Adderall XR last year. That ban was later lifted, because there wasn't enough evidence of increased harm from the Adderall XR compared to other drugs.

Dr. Larry Diller is a behavioral pediatrician and author of the book, "Should I Medicate My Child?" He says, "Four million children take this medicine. That's approximately one in ten 11-year-old boys take this medicine. And the other thing that would be very worrisome is many of these children are barely affected at all. They either have mild cases of ADHD, or you'd look at them and they look normal." That said, however, Diller also says the FDA review has found that the risk of problems is just one for every 1 million ADHD prescriptions filled. Also in some cases, the children who died were later found to have undiagnosed heart conditions.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

10 Tip dalam Keselamatan Gempa Bumi

1. Hampir semua orang yang hanya "menunduk dan berlindung" pada saat bangunan runtuh meninggal karena tertimpa runtuhan. Orang-orang yang berlindung di bawah suatu benda akan remuk badannya.

2. Kucing, anjing dan bayi biasanya mengambil posisi meringkuk secara alami. Itu juga yang harus anda lakukan pada saat gempa. Ini adalah insting alami untuk menyelamatkan diri. Anda dapat bertahan hidup dalam ruangan yang sempit. Ambil posisi di samping suatu benda, di samping sofa, di samping benda besar yang akan remuk sedikit tapi menyisakan ruangan kosong di sebelahnya.

3. Bangunan dari kayu adalah tipe konstruksi yang paling aman selama gempa bumi. Kayu bersifat lentur dan bergerak seiring ayunan gempa. Jika bangunan kayu ternyata tetap runtuh, banyak ruangan kosong yang aman akan terbentuk. Disamping itu, bangunan kayu memiliki sedikit konsentrasi dari bagian yang berat. Bangunan dari batu bata akan hancur berkeping-keping. Kepingan batu bata akan mengakibatkan luka badan tapi hanya sedikit yang meremukkan badan dibandingkan beton bertulang.

4. Jika anda berada di tempat tidur pada saat gempa terjadi, bergulinglah ke samping tempat tidur. Ruangan kosong yang aman akan berada disamping tempat tidur. Hotel akan memiliki tingkat keselamatan yang tinggi dengan hanya menempelkan peringatan di belakang pintu agar tamu-tamu berbaring di lantai di sebelah tempat tidur jika terjadi gempa.

5. Jika terjadi gempa dan anda tidak dapat keluar melalui jendela atau pintu, maka berbaringlah meringkuk di sebelah sofa atau kursi besar.

6. Hampir semua orang yang berada di belakang pintu pada saat bangunan runtuh akan meninggal. Mengapa? Jika anda berdiri di belakang pintu dan pintu tersebut rubuh ke depan atau ke belakang anda akan tertimpa langit-langit di atasnya. Jika pintu tersebut rubuh ke samping, anda akan tertimpa dan terbelah dua olehnya. Dalam kedua kasus tersebut, anda tidak akan selamat!

7. Jangan pernah lari melalui tangga. Tangga memiliki "momen frekuensi"yang berbeda (tangga akan berayun terpisah dari bangunan utama). Tangga dan bagian lain dari bangunan akan terus-menerus berbenturan satu samalain sampai terjadi kerusakan struktur dari tangga tersebut. Orang-orang yang lari ke tangga sebelum tangga itu rubuh akan terpotong-potong olehnya. Bahkan jika bangunan tidak runtuh, jauhi lah tangga. Tangga akan menjadi bagian bangunan yang paling mungkin untuk rusak. Bahkan jika gempa tidak meruntuhkan tangga, tangga tersebut akan runtuh juga pada saat orang-orang berlarian menyelamatkan diri. Tangga tetap harus diperiksa walaupun bagian lain dari bangunan tidak rusak.

8. Berdiri lah di dekat dinding paling luar dari bangunan atau disebelah luarnya jika memungkinkan. Akan lebih aman untuk berada disebelah luar bangunan dari pada di dalamnya. Semakin jauh anda dari bagian luar bangunan akan semakin besar kemungkinan jalur menyelamatkan diri anda tertutup.

9. Orang-orang yang berada di dalam kendaraan akan tertimpa jika jalanan di atasnya runtuh dan meremukkan kendaraan; ini yang ternyata terjadipada lantai-lantai jalan tol Nimitz. Korban dari gempa bumi SanFransisco semuanya bertahan di dalam kendaraan mereka dan meninggal. Mereka mungkin dapat selamat dengan keluar dari kendaraan dan berbaring di sebelah kendaraan mereka. Semua kendaraan yang hancur memiliki ruangan kosong yang aman setinggi 1 meter di sampingnya, kecuali kendaraan yang tertimpa langsung oleh kolom jalan tol.

10. Saya menemukan, pada saat saya merangkak di bawah kantor perusahaan koran dan kantor lain yang menyimpan banyak kertas bahwa kertas tidak memadat. Ruangan kosong yang besar ditemukan di sekitar tumpukan kertas-kertas.

Cinta dan Waktu

Tersebutlah, di suatu pulau kecil, tinggallah berbagai macam benda-benda abstrak. Ada Cinta, Kesedihan, Kekayaan, Kegembiraan dan sebagainya. Mereka hidup berdampingan dengan baik. Namun suatu ketika, datang badai menghempas dan air laut tiba-tiba naik dan akan menenggelamkan pulau itu. Semua penghuni pulau cepat-cepat berusaha menyelamatkan diri.

Cinta sangat kebingungan sebab ia tidak dapat berenang dan tak mempunyai perahu. Ia berdiri di tepi pantai mencoba mencari pertolongan. Sementara itu air makin naik membasahi kaki Cinta.

Tak lama Cinta melihat Kekayaan sedang mengayuh perahu. "Kekayaan! Kekayaan! Tolong aku!" teriak Cinta. "Aduh! Maaf, Cinta!" kata Kekayaan, "perahuku telah penuh dengan harta bendaku. Aku tak dapat membawamu serta, nanti perahu ini tenggelam. Lagipula tak ada
tempat lagi bagimu di perahuku ini."

Lalu Kekayaan cepat-cepat mengayuh perahunya pergi. Cinta sedih sekali, namun kemudian dilihatnya Kegembiraan lewat dengan perahunya. "Kegembiraan! Tolong aku!", teriak Cinta. Namun Kegembiraan terlalu gembira karena ia menemukan perahu sehingga ia tak mendengar teriakan Cinta.

Air makin tinggi membasahi Cinta sampai ke pinggang. Ia kian panik. Tak lama lewatlah Kecantikan. "Kecantikan! Bawalah aku bersamamu!", teriak Cinta. "Wah, Cinta, kamu basah dan kotor. Aku tak bisa membawamu ikut. Nanti kamu mengotori perahuku yang indah ini," sahut Kecantikan.

Cinta sedih sekali mendengarnya. Ia mulai menangis terisak-isak. Saat itu lewatlah Kesedihan. "Oh, Kesedihan, bawalah aku bersamamu," kata Cinta. "Maaf, Cinta. Aku sedang sedih dan aku ingin sendirian saja..." kata Kesedihan sambil terus mengayuh perahunya.

Cinta putus asa. Ia merasakan air makin naik dan akan menenggelamkannya. Pada saat kritis itulah tiba-tiba terdengar suara, "Cinta! Mari cepat naik ke perahuku!" Cinta menoleh ke arah suara itu dan melihat seorang tua dengan perahunya. Cepat-cepat Cinta naik ke perahu itu, tepat sebelum air menenggelamkannya.

Di pulau terdekat, orang tua itu menurunkan Cinta dan segera pergi lagi. Pada saat itu barulah Cinta sadar bahwa ia sama sekali tidak mengetahui siapa orang tua yang menyelamatkannya itu. Cinta segera menanyakannya kepada seorang penduduk tua di pulau itu, siapa sebenarnya lelaki tua tadi.

"Oh, orang tua tadi? Dia adalah Waktu." kata orang itu. "Tapi, mengapa ia menyelamatkanku? Aku tak mengenalnya. Bahkan teman-teman yang mengenalku pun enggan menolongku" tanya Cinta heran. "Sebab," kata orang itu, "hanya Waktu-lah yang tahu berapa nilai sesungguhnya
dari Cinta itu ...."

"hanya Waktu-lah yang dapat membuktikan nilai Cinta sesunguhnya" dan "hanya Waktu-lah yang dapat menyembuhkan kala kita Terluka karena Cinta"

Monday, February 06, 2006

Document Management Software

Need a way to manage your documents? Want to control how documents are stored in your systems? If you need to take control then a document management software solution may be for your.

With document management software you can control the way documents should be created, named, filed, and organized. You can setup a structure that institutes standardization across your company.

Document management software can help reduce unnecessary document storage, which can help reduce your total cost of ownership. Document management software could be the solution for you.

What is Document Management Software?

Document management software is utilized to organize, distribute, standardize and control the process of how documents are managed in a business environment. Document management software comes with features that can help you achieve many of your document management needs. With document management software in place it will allow you to manage a document life cycle from start to end.

Document Management Software Benefits

Depending on your business needs and the document management software, you can hope to gain several benefits from utilizing document management software in your environment. Some of the benefits may include are:
  • Track versions that are stored in the document management system
  • Controls document check in and check out process
  • Provides a form of labeling to make it easy to reference documents
  • Search capabilities for documents
  • Provides a form of a standard scheme for documents across the company
  • Can aid in reducing your total cost of ownership
These are just several benefits that you may achieve by implementing document management software for your business. Since there are several document management software packages available, it is always a good ideal to make sure you've determined your document management requirements and implement a trial version before you choose your document management software solution.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Euro-zone inflation jumps in January

Inflation in the 12 nations using the euro accelerated to 2.4 percent in January from 2.2 percent the previous month, according to a first estimate from the EU statistical agency Eurostat.
This is the first rise since inflation spiked at 2.6 percent in September jumping up from 2.2 percent in August as pressure on oil supplies squeezed prices.

Eurostat did not explain the reasons for the increase but will publish more detailed information on prices on Feb. 28.

The European Central Bank's guideline is less than but close to 2 percent.Worries about price stability caused the ECB to raise its key interest rate for the euro zone to 2.25 percent from 2 percent in December, the first increase in five years.

The ECB is anxious to dampen inflationary pressure and is expected to raise rates again this year. However, EU finance ministers have said they do not see the fallout effects of higher oil prices such as demands for wage increases that would justify a series of rate increases.

Underlying inflation in December excluding energy and tobacco was running at a calmer 1.4 percent.

Friday, February 03, 2006

U.S. Workers Start Year with Measured Confidence

NEW YORK -- A recent economic index remained on par with December's 103.4 reading as U.S. worker confidence slipped just .8 points to 102.6 in January. The most notable change contributing to this slight decline was the flagging optimism about hiring amongst managers.

However, overall hiring expectations and job satisfaction held steady in January with only negligible shifts in employees' perceptions of their finances and job security. Buoyed by December's strong index, the latest reading is higher than most recorded in 2005, although well below the 107.0 reading in January 2005.

The survey also found that Hispanic workers were less optimistic than the overall workforce, as were people who work in the legal profession. The indexes for these sectors, segmented for the first time in this month's survey, stood at 98.1 and 100.4, respectively.

Managers were less confident about their firms' hiring plans in January than the previous month. Only 29 percent anticipated more hiring in the coming months, compared to 33 percent in December. They were also slightly less optimistic than workers overall, 30 percent of whom anticipated a boost in headcount (unchanged from December).

"Whereas we typically see a new year's increase, our polling indicates that workers are approaching this year with a 'wait-and-see' attitude," said Steve Wolfe, executive vice president, Hudson, North America, the company managing the index. "This is not a great cause for concern, though, as worker sentiment remains essentially unchanged from December, which showed increased optimism overall."

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Canon's new 4.3 Megapixel DC40 DVD camcorder provides widescreen and photos

Canon announces the DC40 DVD camcorder to help you in making recording precious memories simple, fun and convenient. With its super slim design and 10x optical zoom lens, this compact DVD camcorder includes a 4.3 megapixel CCD image sensor that produces outstanding widescreen video and doubles as a digital camera for excellent photos, which friends and family can cherish for years to come. The DC40 will be available at the end of March 2006 for $899...


Whether capturing memorable honeymoon moments or baby's first small, staggering steps, Canon's new DC40 DVD camcorder helps make recording precious memories simple, fun and convenient. With its super slim design and 10x optical zoom lens, this compact DVD camcorder includes a 4.3 megapixel CCD image sensor that produces outstanding widescreen video and doubles as a digital camera for excellent photos, which friends and family can cherish for years to come.

"For people who capture images of family functions for posterity, or who wish to record vivid vacation images that they can playback on their widescreen TVs, Canon's feature-filled DC40 camcorder rises to the occasion—as Canon's camcorders are The Official Camcorder of Life," said Yukiaki Hashimoto, senior vice president and general manager of the consumer imaging group at Canon U.S.A., Inc. "The DC40 DVD model is small enough to fit into the palm of your hand, easy to use and delivers high quality performance to customers that also value convenience." view pic